Category Archives: Date Night

Keepin’ it So Fresh and So Clean


It all started with a conversation with a client regarding steak houses:  He enjoys The Keg, I prefer Outback.  I’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to take a drive to Niagara Falls to go to the only Outback in Ontario *tear*tear* for their fresh salmon, homemade honey mustard dressing and fresh calamari.   


As we drove down it was crazy rain-sunny weather.  We saw a total of 8 raindows.  Absolutely crazy!!  Maybe we’ll win the lottery or something.


We had dinner before we checked-in because Outback closed at 10pm.  Marc ran into an old friend of his who is now the GM of that Outback.  No discounts were offered.  Boo.  The meal was pretty damn yummy, but there were changes and autistic-side of me dislike changes.  They jacked the prices up like crazy too.  We ate $96 worth of food which normally would’ve cost us $64.  So the surprise was Chocolate Strawberries.  I knew Marc wasn’t a huge fan of chocolate strawberries but it was this or rose petals on the bed for the same cost.  I’d rather something I could eat. 


The strawberries without flash.  They were uber delicious! The top were pistashio covered, then almonds, GOLD Flakes and the bottom ones were white chocolate.  YUM. YUM Yum.  I devoured them all myself.


There was a jacuzzi tub in the room too! and it had a window that led to the bed how convenient is that?  We had fun in it…. …


We got dolled up and went to Dragon Fly Night Club. 


OOO Feature DJ.. should’ve researched the DJ before going.  Paid $20 cover to simple melodic House Music.  It drove me nuts cuz he used beats from other DJs so I kept thinking it was a song I liked.. but no no no… just the same beat over and over again.  We got bored pretty quick, wasted our money and left.


Narcisstic Lainy loves mirrors~ and grand hotels have a lot of Mirrors.


It’s shitty that Marc isn’t crazy about taking loads of Pic.  Maybe he needs a reason fo taking pics, he needs to start a blog. Haha… I hate asking him to take pics of me.  And when I do.. I get angry cuz he doesn’t take good Pics. 


It was 1:30 am and I jumped right back into the jacuzzi tub.  Might as well take advantage of it while we got it.


Marc had more less-blogable pics on his phone.  This soak was cut short cuz of different urges~ ya..

Good Night.


Filed under Date Night, Loves, Travel

Never Argue with the Asian

Because people love telling me things I really don’t care about, I found out that Transformers 2 came out on Tuesday and everyone’s been raving about it.  Being in the generation raised by Transformers and G.I. Joe’s Marc can’t wait to see it. 


He called me frantically to announce the news that we’re going to watch this movie tonight.  I am uber sleepy, but since he’s such great sport and goes to whatever crazy thing that I want to go to, I will sit through this 2.5 hr movie.  I wanted to get the VIP movie tickets so I can at least enjoy sushi while watching this movie, but it’s sold out.  What’s VIP?  Well it’s a movie theatre that serves alcohol and food while you watch the movie, complete with waitresses and lean back/foot rest chairs and everything.  You snooze you loose I guess…


To dignify the North American Animation superiority to the Asians (ya.. whatever) Marc insisted that Transformers was a North American Phenomenon and later adapted to the Asians.  Ridic!  My brother had Transformers toys from Japan way before I was even born!  I vividly remember the little figures that can change into other things, but joint together to make bigger robots etc etc…


I remember trying to poke my brother’s eye out with this one.

So we went to the source of all knowledge; Google. And low and behold, I was right! Transformers was created by the Japanese. The Transformers began with the 1970s Japanese toy lines Microman and Diaclone. Just like Sailormoon and Dragon Ball! It sort of infuriates me. But that’s a whole other story and whole other post…

So I’ll write a review tomorrow. If you’re going to watch the 7:10 show tonight at Masonville, wake me up if I snore too loud.

O and this is date night V.06.25.09 I guess… there better be marble slab during, before or after the movie.

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Filed under Date Night