Category Archives: Christopher

Anti-Sunfest… Carnival


Getting ready to go out for the afternoon after a nap.  I felt pretty good about myself because I got my teeth whittened with that Rambrandt stuff.  (Even though it didn’t do much, I felt like it did, so it was a confidence boost in itself.)  I will later regrett wearing this outfit. See Marc in the background checking himself out in the mirror? I’m not the only one in the household that’s narcissistic.


We went to Sunshine carnival.  Thought for sure it’d be packed being a Saturday afternoon and since Sunfest was insanely busy, this should be too… But it was pretty much empty. 


Christopher b-lined to the rubber duck stand, he went right in and picked three..  well guess I have to pay for it.  This fishing game made me reminisce about those little toys I had when I was a kid, so I let him play that too.  And he got 3 stupid little ugly fish plushs that he’s forgotten about by dinner time.


Aww what a handsome little guy…  He loves riding in cars.. all things mechanical anyways.  He’s going to grow up to be an engineer.  I asked the shrimpy little attendant if I can pose with the pink little car… he awkwardly said yes, kind of like I was crazy.  I then pussy-ed out because there were little kids and their parents around me.  And my skirt was a tad too short for a family setting.


Noticed how his steering wheel is turned the right way? What a smarty! We realized that this wasn’t a coincidence, he did it on every ride.  Just a smarty he is.  the kid behind him didn’t do it right… there’s no bright future for him.


I’m too tall for all the rides. 😦 so not fair!


I love these motorcycles!!! Wanted to pose on these too.. but Marc had an arguemment with the carny about how Leafs rules and Red Wings Sucks.. blah blah blah… They are both losers to me. (the teams and the two of them)


We didn’t stay much longer cuz I’ve spent $40 bucks in like 30 minutes and the wind kept picking up my skirt and I had to skirm and pull it down and hide behind Marc. Why I don’t think ahead and not wear bright pink undies when wearing a light skirt is beyond me.

I wasn’t very impressed with the rides, games, carny attitude. Would’ve much rather Western Fair. I was so surprsied at how dead it was. I guess hosting it the same weekend at Sunfest was a bad idea. If it was like RIGHT beside sunfest it’d be crazy busy. but it’s so darn far away, there’s no concurrant traffic. Come on. Simple business sense people!


Filed under Christopher, Living, London, Rants

What’s yo Problem~


It’s been a month, and finally, the stars we bought Christopher from Ikea’s up.  I marked to holes to where the screws are supposed to go.  He trusted me.  with great skeptisim of course… and… now there’s a hole in the wall, an extra screw, and an empty screw hole.  He laughed at my inability to do simple markings.  Mr. Carpenter Marc did the next one… opps he forgot to check for studs… so we have another empty hole, and another extra screw.  The third one worked.  Third one’s a charm right?


I love the view from my bed on a nice day~ see that tall glass building? It’s the Scoitabank building, it makes London look city-ish.  I love how it reflects the clouds and the sky.  AWWW… I am so easily amused.


I got these cutiest at Walmart yesterday! I thought they were so cute and cheap! Only $9.95.  So Christopher chose the doggy and I chose the cow.  (I tried to sway him to pick the cow cuz I wanted it, but he insisted on doggy, so I got both)  Everyone watched him with an “awwww” as he walked around the store trying to juggle these two softies.  Then on our way out, a lady asked who they’re for, so Christopher said, “they’re mine.” Then the lady made a snarly comment of how mommy spoils him.. blah blah blah… Whatever, find out the facts before you judge! One’s mine! In fact, I swayed him to get them when secretly I wanted them!…. maybe it’s because he also has a race car set in his hand.


They’re huge, soft and cute… Loves them!  Yes, Christopher has claimed them both to be his.. but that’s fine with me, as long as I get to cuddle with them when I watch TV.  He took this pic btw.. what a cutie. 🙂  I really don’t mind spoiling him.  Marc saids I should stop.  But I was spoiled growing up.  And look! I’m just fine.


Filed under Christopher, Living, London, Random, ~*Shopaholic*~

Why eat Well When You Can Eat Crap?


Ths was a weekend of eating CRAP! I don’t recall eating any true green vegetables, but I do remember going through Drive Thrus a lot.  A Whole lot.


We started Saturday morning with a super yummy Ham Omlette with hashbrowns and Spicy Ketchup from Chez Moi.  It was so delicious…. I think I make the best omlettes in the world.  Maybe I should open a restaurant.

I found the cutest girl boxers at H&M! These were in the kids’ section and were sized 14 yrs.  But they fit great!! They’re all sparkly and adorable!.  Marc loves them too… 😉 They’ve got tons of cute Hello Kitty stuff there like barettes, hair clips, socks etc etc.  I haven’t gone shopping in a mall for a long time… It was so hard not shopping when I went there to grab some swim shorts for Christopher so we can go to the beach…  WILL POWER… WILL POWER…. All I got were his swim shorts and my undies! YAy me!


We then took a little nap on the couch all cuddled up.  We’re definitely the gayest couple ever. 


We woke up way too late to go to the beach, instead, we’re going to head to the food fest.  We grabbed some Mc D’s for the little hungry buggy and Marc and I shared a McChicken, just before heading to the FoodFest; we’re smart like that. 


They had the same rides for the kids as Kids Expo… So why bother going to both?  Overall, I was pretty dissappointed at the entire festival.  There wasn’t any good shopping.  Marc just found a place that sold 3 T-shirts for $20 that he picked up because he needed a present for his friend. 
The food vendors weren’t spectacular either.  They had several well known restaurants like Under the Volcano, Sammy’s Tanakaya Etc. there selling their best yummy products.  But nothing I haven’t tried before.  I wish it was even more internation and showcased fod that is truly rare.  Maybe I just eat out too much.   Maybe I didn’t have apetite for anything because I just had a Mc Chicken… I don’t know….
Christopher decided that he wouldn’t leave until he played with the rubber duckies, so we let him and he won a little green froggy which he adored. Hearing him retell the story was totally worth it. “I picked up won, too, free~.. free duckies. then man said no more, then I put duckies back in water…” AWWWWW…. I’m smitten… just smitten.
We walked home from the festival with a soft served ice cream cone each. I still say “Thank you for the ____, Marc” Everytime he pays for anything for me. He thinks it’s the cutest thing. What can I say, I was brought up with good manners.
Our friends Amanda and Darryl called us up and we headed down to Cambridge to see Darryl’s new house. On our way, we stopped by Wendy’s because Christopher was hungry. He had a kids meal and Marc and I shared another chicken sandwich.
There was a fireworks display at a nearby park at 10pm, it was pretty impressive considering that it was only a suburb-subdivision area event. Marc picked Christopher up-side down because he thought it’d be funny, and he ended up puking on Amanda. And we all got eaten alive by mosquitoes; Good times.


Filed under Christopher, Food, London, Restaurants, Travel, ~*Shopaholic*~

I didn’t get aything for Mother’s Day btw…

Disclaimer: This post would be so much more exciting if I had images to support, but I don’t. Yesterday, I was much too exhausted to take pictures, I just wanted to sleep. So I am garnishing this post with some results I found when I googled, “Father’s Day”

Anywho, So it was Father’s Day on Sunday, but I didn’t have Christopher so we didn’t do anything. Marc is technically not his father, not even a step father. But in my heart, I think Marc fills the shoes of a father in our house. He takes cares of us like we are his little family. Christopher adores him and he recipricates with as much, if not more love. I can keep going on and on… but I won’t because it’s a tad too mushy.

So I had Christopher yesterday night, so we did a mini Belated Father’s Day with Marc. Just to show how much we appreciate him in our life. I went to the local grocery store and got a chocolate cake that read, “Happy Belated Father’s Day” (spelt correctly this time) I wanted to see if they can put a little toy golf cart on it and they did. For free. 🙂 (This is probably because I frantically searched through the book for a cake and then asked if they can be made instantly. Followed by asking for a pre-made cake with “Belated Father’s Day on it”– she felt sorry for me) I was so impressed by the service, the spelling of the clerk. She made my day. I wish I took a picture of it. Damn my laziness!!!

Christopher also gave Marc a card that I help him make about a week ago. Christopher ran into the house yesterday calling for him and said coyly, “I WUV WU” and gave him the card. I also wrote some mushy words in it that brought tears in his eyes. I love seeing Marc tear, I know it’s a tad sadistic. But I love seeing emotion in a guy and when it’s from joy and love it’s just so cute. awwwww~~~

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Filed under Christopher, Loves

Kid’s Expo & The Puppy Carriage

It was a weekend of activities. I really don’t know why I can’t just stay home and relax. So on Friday, we went to the Kid’s Expo. I told everyone that I needed to go because of Christopher and he’d love it, but really, I went there for the funnel cake.

The rides were not spectacular even through my 3 year-old’s eyes.  There were 4-5 rides that the kids can go on.  Christopher picked the car-merry-go-around, and a spiny bus ride.  He was not impressed on the merry-go-around because he didn’t get the to drive the car from the frount seat.  It’s just like any other car ride for him.  I went on the little up and down bus with Christopher and when I got off, I felt like I was going to puke.  Never knew I’d be too old for kids rides, but alas, I am 😦


Stacey decided to join us in our outting.  She brought her two little chihuauhuas with her in a little carriage!! It was adorable.  Though we got a little funny looks from people, I thought it was a great contraption.  Little dogs get tired from walking too much so the carriage allows them to rest whenever they need to.  Added bonus, it keeps the dogs back from being able to attack other dogs in the park.  Not like they can do any harm really. 


You know what I learned at the Expo? they don’t make chocolate coins anymore! What s up with that?


O and guess who I saw? NIKKI! I didn’t say hi hecause I was a huge chicken and I look like a huge bag-hoe with a crazy friend who has dogs in a carriage and a manic son.  But her son was on stage!!!  YAY!


So It was an okay time, we had funnel cake that made me sort of sick and some fries that taste like ass.

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Filed under Christopher, Food, London, Travel

Improviso: Grand Bend

I cannot sit at home all day and stare at a TV. Infact, I can’t stay at home very long at all. I am always out and about, especially if the weather is gorgeous. So I came up with this idea to search for a friend for my little Piggy tealight holder. One thing led to another, and the bf and toddler were packed up and we were on our way to Grand Bend’s Flea Market.
The GPS took us to “the Pinery” Flea Market just outside of Grand Bend. I’ve never been to a real flea market before, I had high high hopes. The only flea markets I’ve seen were on Teasure and deco shows like “Sarah’s Cottage” and “Trading Spaces”. What happened to those shows anyways? They used to be all the hype on TLC; reno and deco. Now it’s all about the disfunctional families of a trillion kids. But I digress… Ya, they always seem to find amazing stuff at Flea Markets and I think I should too.
Seriously, when you are used to driving 2+ hours to Toronto every weekend. the one hour drive to Grand Bend feels like you’re driving across town. That’s what I kept saying to Marc, of course he disagreed; probably because he was the driver.
Marc made a comment about how our relationship was extremely fair and compromising. Simply because I offered to drive home since he drove there. This is a good sign, I thought I’m definitely holding the better end of the stick, but since he hasn’t caught on yet, I can continue.
Maybe I shouldn’t put this picture up… This is clearly, not the proper carseat buckling, he must’ve wiggled it out of place or it just wasn’t tightened enough. I can assure you, this is not the normal way he’s buckled. Anywho, The Flea Market was not as impressive as I thought, though the antique fire truck was the most amazing thing to Christopher. He’s amazed by all things mechanical.
Quiz of the day, Why is the word “Fire Dept” written backwords? It’s the same reason why ambulances are. So drivers can see it read “Fire Dept.” Written properly in their rear view mirror. Most people knew this. Marc didn’t think I did.
I love the setting of the flea market, it was under a bunch of old trees so it was shady and cool. From far, it looks kind of like a hobo town or a Gypsy market. I guess that’s where Flea Market orginated from. I was hoping for more antiques and crafts. But instead there were a lot of Fake Chanel and Gucci, Grandma’s house antiques and other mass marketed merch. “Sham-Eeze” was there for godssake.
Note to self: Bring CASH when shopping at a flea market. Seems like common sense, but it skipped our minds. But it stopped me from buying a lot of junk that I wanted just cause it was shiny.
Marc bought me my little VooDoo Friend Keychain, he also bought Christopher 2 dinky cars, a chocolate croissant and a delicious cookie. It was amazing though, I thought Christopher would’ve wanted a lot of toys, but when we walked through vendors with toys, he showed some interest but then had no interest in taking them home. We finally stopped at a vendor with a bin full of little toys. He picked and chose for a good 10 minutes and settled on 2 dinky cars for $2.
Overall, we had a good time, but it wasn’t as spetacular as I expected. I didn’t find a friend for little piggy. Maybe I had my hopes too high so I was bound to be disappointed. We ended the day in Grand Bend with a late lunch and played at the playground on the new boardwalk of the beach.


Filed under Christopher, London, Random, Travel, ~*Shopaholic*~